The NWCPEA were delighted to present Jo Parkinson of Hazel Grove Primary School, with the Best Practice in Physical Education Innovation Award 2017!
“In her 2nd year as PE Lead, Jo has increased the number of PE events and competitions that children have had access to. In 2015/2016 over 40 events were attended by the children and in 2016/2017 (so far) there have been over 30 events attended, with specific events selected to include SEND and Pupil-Premium children. In her first year as PE Lead, the school received 3 PE awards from the Stockport Sports Partnership for “Commitment to Leadership and Volunteering”, “Commitment to High Quality PE” and “Commitment to Sporting Competition” and also the Sainsbury’s School Games Silver Award. Jo has set up Community Links with 6 Sports Clubs to promote clubs outside of school and is using the PE Passport to collect data regarding the activities that children are taking part in in school and outside school to support her choices for attending events.
Jo is proactive in ensuring a high quality level of PE is taught across the school, having pioneered the introduction of the PE Passport to guarantee all staff are teaching to the same high standards. Jo also works alongside sports coaches to support consistency in teaching between the teaching staff and sports coaches. Jo has organised for Play Leaders to be trained to work with the Infant children during lunch times to engage them in games and other physical activity.
She has worked alongside other staff members to set up Change4Life clubs and Girls Active clubs to promote healthier lifestyles for those children who are least active. In addition she arranged for an Olympic athlete to come into the school this year and the whole the school took part in a sponsored circuits event to raise money for charity, the athlete and PE equipment for the school.
In addition to this Jo has made a significant difference to the inclusion of SEND children in sporting extra- curricular activities. This includes participation in Curling, Mini Whistlers and Boccia giving the children an opportunity to develop team work, co-operation and sporting success. The school’s Boccia team brought home the Stockport Under 12’s cup. She is ambassador of sport for Hazel Grove Primary and has demonstrated great leadership skills early in her career”.
On behalf of the NWCPEA, many congratulations to Jo and keep up the excellent work! See you at the NWCPEA Conference in November!